Trimps save editor
Trimps save editor

trimps save editor

* Do not purchase wormholes if you unlock them, portal at z40 instead * You may find it necessary to do a ‘farming’ run to gain a little He before running one of these challenges, depending on how optimized your perks, and how attentive you are to game * Complete the Size challenge, while reaching z40 to unlock Scientist * Complete the metal Challenge, while reaching z35 to unlock size * There is a setting to make it ‘confirm’ each time you buy to prevent accidentally buying. * * Shieldblock is also helpful in unlock challenges that end early (scientist, trimp, trapper, etc) (credit to leheibrog for pointing this out) Compare time saved by shieldblock early vs time saved by healthblock later. * * It may still sometimes be worth it to pick up shieldblock even if going past z40. If you purchase it, you are stuck with it for the whole run, so do not buy it if you can make it to z60+ Stop using it (or even running the block) by z60. 1% of your block, while the health version scales well. It makes your shield give block instead of health. * Be sure to push to at *least* zone 25 before portaling (to unlock next challenge) Use the same strategies you did the first time * It is slightly more random, and will take slightly longer, but is no harder than first run. * When you portal at end of first run, select the ‘discipline’ challenge. Perk section is far below, including calculator links * * There are calculators to help spend He, but they are a bit wonky below z40, when you only have a bit of He to spend.

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* * A few points in all is usually better than focusing everything on 1 perk. Carpentry and coordination when you unlock them are your top tier. Have twice as much in these as you do in the others. Bait, Motivation, Power, Toughness, Looting, Range and Agility are important early game. It is mentioned as a few people like it, but Non recommends coming back to the achievement when you have Scientist 5, much later, and just focusing on progression for now * * * If you have the patience this is good, but will add a few days to your first run (with barely any reward).

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* * z30 with under 60 He gives an achievement. Plus or minus 2 zones won’t hurt anything. * * z24ish is probably optimal for progression. * First portal should be at z24 (choose discipline challenge!) Coordination makes you much stronger and is a key to beating higher zones. Buy housing whenever possible to allow higher levels of coordination. * Coordination has minimum trimp requirements. Much later (z30+) you may start prioritizing metal. * Early game balance farmer, lumberjack and miner. Despite this you will get more 1shotting a lower map than a max level map. * * * Each level below max gives 20% compounding loot penalty. 1shotting to maximize chrono and jest imps will dramatically increase loot/sec. * * * This becomes even more important once you have chrono and jest exotic imps. You will get more resources farming lower level maps you can 1shot than from max level maps. If it takes 2 hits, it takes literally twice as long to kill. * * Farm the Highest level map where you can 1shot the enemies. Once you can push a new zone you should since your farming will become more effective in higher zones. If you can spare the frags max all 3 sliders.īalance this against increased farming power in higher zones. For fragments prioritize maxing the difficulty slider first. The further you get the more dramatic this gain is. * * If you are low on resources, farming maps will increase your resource gain. As you progress in game you can switch to maps every other or third zone. Run maps every zone first run to unlock new things. * Maps (unlocked in z6) occasionally drop new features (new housing, gear prestige, others). * * If DoA is too hard, farm maps (read below) On subsequent runs, beating DoA simply unlocks the Portal option, so it can be completed whenever. * * Completing DoA for the first time ever allows you to start earning helium, so be sure to complete it before beating z21. * Your goal this run is to make it past z20, and run the map “Dimension of Anger”, as this unlocks portals, and gives Helium, the resource that makes you stronger long term with perks.

trimps save editor

Be sure to occasionally upgrade your equipment as you hit walls against progress Battle (bottom right) unlocks most new things. The guide is being regularly rewritten and updated as shown in the version numbers, and suggestions are welcome

Trimps save editor