He knows that (Y/n)'s soul, while its main trait is determination, is full of kindness and empathy. "What kind of magic are you using to make me feel this way?!" It's working. I don't know about you, but I would feel like the scum of the Earth."Ĭhara flinches with every sentence, like knives are cutting deep through them. And now, you're trying to kill me so you can kill your own father." His eyes close. You treated your best friend like complete garbage. Think about it." His pupils disappear, leaving his eye sockets black and empty. "Since you now have a soul, you can't be as ruthless as you want. They know that they can't officially attack since it's still the monster's turn, but that doesn't mean they can't be ready. "What are you talking about, comedian?" They snarl, knife pointed at him. "You have (Y/n)'s soul within you, their memories, their morals, their emotions." Chara pauses, confusion rising to their guarded features. "But you aren't soulless, not anymore," Sans argues. The gears in his head begin to turn, and an idea pops into his head.

That's why being soulless allows you think clearly." Now, your average, everyday monster will either just keep attacking or simply accept their death. Becoming attached to others only makes you weaker. "Besides, I have a promise to keep." A giggle escapes the child as they attempt another attack, knowing that Sans will dodge it. They have a little over half of their HP left. Well, I can't afford not to care, anymore." He throws an array of bones at them, feeling a bit satisfied to hear a grunt of frustration come from Chara. Knowing what you can do if you get past me. They attack once more, and Sans teleports behind them to escape. "I will get my way!" Another pair of Gaster Blasters shoot lasers towards the demonic child, just managing to scrape them. Again, and again, and again." They laugh. After all, I've gained their power to reset. I know I don't like making promises, but I promise you this. Heh, what a bonehead I was, because that's exactly what drove you to do it. I distanced myself from you because I knew it would hurt so much more if you reseted. "I'm sorry for not seeing this sooner, kid. You're a lot faster than (Y/n)." He sighs. The skeleton barely manages to dodge the knife. I'm going to kill you either way!" Turning their soul blue, Sans begins to toss them around, flinging them into walls of bones or into columns nearby. "Sorry to pop your bubble, but I'm not human, nor monster~." Sans clenches his fist. "Who said I was human?" Chara asks, outright laughing this time. "No way you could take their soul," he growls. They dodge it easily, giggling at the monster's frustration. Sans summons his Gaster Blasters, firing them towards the child. They're dead." The glowing soul is pressed into Chara's chest, and it disappears. They tried to fight back when they realized what I was doing, but I regained control easily. "Once they found out what they done, their anger allowed me to influence them to commit genocide. " What a fool." They laugh, the sound twisted into something demented. Since they felt so alone and sad, they believed me." Chara's eyes turn black. "You see, I told them that there was a fourth ending, one where everyone, including them, could be happier than they were. "And I persuaded your friend to reset." Sans got into a defensive position. "My name is Chara," the child says, their smile turning evil. Inside, a glowing, red heart, the soul of (Y/n), remains. Them?" They remove one hand behind their back, and hold out their palm. "What're you doing here, kid?" The child giggles. Sans puts on a confused expression, but smiles, anyways. Their hands stay behind their back, almost suspiciously so. Their green sweater, with a yellow stripe running through it, almost looks too big for them. Short, light-brown hair shines in the light beaming through the windows. Instead, a child, around the age of Frisk, stands a few feet away, an innocent smile gracing their features. However, when he turns around, (Y/n) isn't there. But he guesses that he can't get through to them. The skeleton had hoped that his words would get through to the human, that they would come to their senses and reset. Sans hears footsteps approaching him once again. The child raises the knife, and before (Y/n) can scream, they attack. "SiNcE wHeN wErE yOu ThE oNe In CoNtRoL?" They begin laughing manically as the human tries to scoot away, fear controlling their instincts.

You must have misunderstood." Turning to face them, (Y/n)'s eyes widen as they see Chara holding a knife, their eyes black and soulless.

Finally, they fall to their knees, tears falling from their eyes as Chara grins. The human frantically hits the button, desperation resorting them to outright banging against it. (Y/n)'s eyes widen as they try to press the Reset button again.