Clock hands look beautiful and Roman numerals on dials to show the time perfectly. It comes with a handcrafted wooden frame and white dials. This large wooden wall clock is to Ornate your walls. You can get this charming clock to decorate your walls. It has Roman numerals in it and coordinated hands that show you the time. You can use this wooden clock with the metal frame where ever you want. Keep up the good work.Enhance your home’s style statement using round wooden wall clock designs. My husband did a wooden boat and he'll teach our son when he's old enough. Robert T Gasperson (author) from South Carolina on October 18, Thank You There is something about working with wood. Robert T Gasperson (author) from South Carolina on October 18, cool. This lens sparked my interest in creating useful gadgets. I've loved this before and I'm pleased to return with angel dust and congratulations on your purple star and home page honors!Ĭhallenging thing to do but doable. Very interesting lens! Thanks for sharing.

I like all the information you provided for how to make a Wooden Gear Clock Thanks to it, now i can make my own clock. Watch and clockmakers have always blown me away at how patient you must be. Judith Nazarewicz from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada on November 12, 2012: My father made such a clock when I was a kid.

All it takes is a bit of sanding where the joint fits and you should be back in business. That may be because of the stain and the sealer.

The pinion is a small wheel held to the main wheel by the arbor, which is driven by the other gears. The wheel is the toothed circle that turns, hooking the other wheels with its teeth. Gear: Clock gears are actually made of four parts: the wheel, the arbor, the pinion, and the pivot.The different gears are explained in detail below. Gear train: When mounted on the frame, the gears for the second, minute, and hour hands interlock and roll on each other.The escapement is what makes the tick-tock sound. As the pendulum swings, it moves the escapement lever in and out of the escape gear, stopping it from spinning. The escapement is built out of an escape gear, escape lever, and the pendulum. Escapement : A device that controls the energy that escapes from the movement of the weight, slowing it down and allowing the energy to be spaced out over time.Power source: What keeps the clock going? In the case of most homemade clocks, the momentum is created by a swinging weight, or pendulum, which moves the gears as it swings back and forth.

Here is a very basic list of the different parts of a wooden clock: